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It's simple.  We bring raw land to life by turning well positioned land into well planned communities.  We love what we do and we would like to have the opportunity to personally introduce ourselves.  


Our Vision.

REOxygen's vision is to maximize our client's returns  by creating well planned communities that will have market demand. 

Location, Location, Location are the three rules of real estate but successful community development doesn't always need to be location dependent.  Let's talk about how we can make your property a success.

​What's behind our name? REOxygen was founded in 2009 to meet the growing needs of the distressed real estate market.

REO is an acronym for bank owned property "Real Estate Owned" and unlike typical asset management companies that manage mostly single family REO assets, REOxygen's focus is on distressed residential and commercial development projects. Land development is a complicated process that requires a skill-set and background that goes beyond the typical asset management company or real estate brokerage. REOxygen works directly with the bank's loan workout officers and special asset divisions to develop targeted exit strategies on complicated projects. Further, REOxygen actively seeks multiple buyers and investors for such assets and provides our clients with the highest and best offers available.

As an independent consultant, REOxygen can also help banks and builders/developers find solutions to the complicated workout process and can also find new capital and additional partners to the facilitate the workout process and hopefully find a mutualy beneficial exit for all parties.

REOxygen is currently working with regional and national banks with assets in multiple states. If you are holding a distressed asset, or are looking for opportunities to purchase, please contact us for a free consultation.

Company Profile.

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